Sonoma County Taiko Board Structure

Sonoma County Taiko has a board of directors that are elected to two year terms. Board roles include the President, who facilitates the meetings and assembles an agenda, the Treasurer, who provides financial reports and does the bookkeeping, and the Secretary, who maintains records of the meetings. There are six standing committees, each with a chair: Fundraising, Performance and Teaching, Dojo Management, Membership Services, Marketing and Public Relations, and Taiko and Japanese Culture Workshop.

Board meetings are held monthly. There are two retreats a year and two Leadership meetings for members who would like to be more involved in group decisions without committing to being a board member. An annual meeting of the membership happens every January.

Board meetings are open. It is advisable for anyone who would like to become a board member to participate in the Leadership meetings and board meetings for several months prior to seeking election in January.

Sonoma County Taiko Board Members

Alexa Riner – 
Arnold Shimizu
Ann Frowick
Deanne DiPietro – 

Building a community of acceptance, harmony, and respect through our love of taiko.